As the Director General of Goa Institute of Public Administration & Rural Development (GIPARD), I take immense pleasure in welcoming you to our Institute’s Website. Goa Institute of Rural Development & Administration (GIRDA) was established by converting the former Extension Training Centre (ETC) into a full-fledged State Institute of Rural Development vide order no. Gen 1/1-1/ GIRDA dated 5th November, 1999. GIRDA was expanded and converted to Goa Institute of Public Administration & Rural Development (GIPARD) on 01st January, 2014. It has been declared as the Administrative Training Institute (ATI) and it also functions as the State Institute for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (SIRD&PR).
Over the last two and half decades this Institute has developed as the State’s Apex Training Institute for training, capacity building, research and consultancy activities; in areas of Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Public Administration, Women and Gender Studies, Disaster Management, etc.
GIPARD imparts educational training to the Elected Representatives of Local Bodies, Self Help Groups, Government and Government aided employees, Non-Government Organizations, Academicians and Students, alike.
The implementation of Goa State Training Policy 2016 was a milestone; It empowered GIPARD to continue working towards achieving excellence in administration and to make Government efficient, effective, responsible, responsive, competent, forward looking and technology driven for which our Institute continues to impart suitable training to employees at all levels.
Our Institute facilitates training needs analysis of various Departments / Institutions, design courses, develop reading material, implement and finally evaluate the impact of training for better performance of civil servants and improved service delivery. OurInstitute is also collaborating with various ministries and other agencies in research and consultancy.
GIPARD has a dedicated and competent team with strong inter-disciplinary skills which makes the Institute achieve greater heights. Our library has an excellent collection of books, journals and reports in areas of Public Administration, Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Gender,Law, Economics, Finance, Management, Disaster Management, etc. with a special collection of rare books on the state of Goa.
Well-furnished classrooms with state of the art facilities, well networked computer lab, along with other training facilities enables GIPARD to undertake several trainings simultaneously and effectively. On an average this Institute imparts training to around 8000 trainees.
The main aim of our Institute is to develop right ability and capability in our participants with a commitment to build, sustain and improve, which promotes learning and innovation. Special focus is laid by our Institute on contributing to achieve Sustainable Development GoaIs (SDGs)by 2030. I am hopeful that with the active involvement of all our stakeholders, we would be able to realise our vision of making this Institute, a Centre of Excellence.
I look forward to your valuable suggestions to take us on our onward journey.
Ms. Cheshta Yadav
Director General